
İHKİB Career

The ready-to-wear and apparel sector significantly contributes to our country's exports, stands out as one of the prominent manufacturing industries in our country with the value it creates, the trade surplus it provides, and the employment it generates.

The Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB) is one of the significant organizations in our country with its member count, the share of total exports made by its members in the national economy, the events it organizes, and most importantly, the vision it presents in the ready-to-wear and apparel sector.

Established in 1986, IHKIB, of which approximately 75% of our country's ready-to-wear and apparel sector exports are realized by its members, has over ten thousand exporters based in Istanbul and its surroundings.

One of the instruments to be used for IHKIB to facilitate the integration of the sector with the qualified workforce it needs to realize the strategic moves within the framework of the Vision Document determining its roadmap is the human resources portal www.ihkibkariyer.com.

Aiming to meet the need for trained workforce in the sector with graduates from Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) and vocational training courses it organizes, IHKIB cooperates with MEB Public Education Centers, Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR), ISMEK, and sectoral associations for this purpose. In this sense, IHKIB Career has obtained a special employment agency authorization from ISKUR and has offered its human resources portal to the service of the sector.

Increasing its support for education and its importance since 1995, IHKIB aims to meet the need for qualified human resources in the sector through protocols with MEB regarding vocational education, competitions, and events it organizes, adopting the principle of education, employment, and value-added production, and has opened the "ihkibkariyer.com" portal to members and sector professionals aiming to be a part of the sector.

İHKİB sağlanan hizmetlerin iyileştirilmesi ve web sitesinde en iyi deneyimi yaşamanızı sağlamak için çerezleri kullanır.